Poll Results

Do you think that you eat more now than when you first became overweight?

   YES: 116 votes (77%)

    NO: 35 votes (23%)

151 kids have voted

If your answer is yes, why do you think you eat more now?

My stomach
can hold
more now

so comfort
eat more

Not unhappier
but food sat-
isfies less

There is

113 kids have voted

My stomach can hold more food than when I first became overweight: 59 votes (52%)

I'm more unhappy now, so it takes more food to satisfy (comfort) me: 27 votes (24%)

I'm not more unhappy now, but it still takes more food to satisfy me: 17 votes (15%)

There's another reason I eat more now than when I first was overweight: 10 votes ( 9%)

Please vote on last month's poll if you missed it - What made you realize that you were overweight?

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