Do you think that high pleasure food (junk food) is addicting, like drugs or cigarettes?


Yes, losing
weight =

Yes, but
only for
obese kids

No, losing
weight is
not as hard

No, kids
just love
to eat it


1259 people have voted.

Yes, "How do I lose weight?" = "How do I get through 'withdrawal'?": 783 votes (62%)

Yes, but only very overweight kids addicted - "Can't do it on my own.": 228 votes (18%)

No, slightly, but losing weight is easier than coming off drugs, cigarettes: 212 votes (17%)

No, junk food is not addicting - overweight kids simply love to eat it: 36 votes ( 3%)

Do you feel that you are addicted to junk food?

   YES: 1063 votes (89%)

    NO: 137 votes (11%)

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