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From allisa, Age 13

i was watching discovery channel one day and it said that over half of america is over weight. and i can't say i disagree. i am noticing more and more over weight people everyday. and frankly, i am shocked. i am not blaming that on some people (even though that may be the case some time) but i mostly blame fast-food and things that let u do somthing in the confert of staying where u are and not getting up for anything. like remotes. discovery channel says that the reason most people are over weight is because they don't do enough excersize or they eat too much, and usually the case is excersize. it doesn't take much food to stay the way u r if u r over weight. even though it takes alot to make u over weight. for instance a 200 pound human would only have to eat 2000 calories to stay that way perday. it would take a 100 pound person 1000 colories to stay that way and etc. some peopel that are over weight accept the fact that they are and are actually proud of it. now i wouldn't say be proud of being over weight because there are alot of health risk at stake here. like heart attacks come YEARS early. and blood can easily clot. plus, it is harder to find clothes and it can often make a beautiful person ugly (not that looks really do count, but still)but if u r truely proud of being over weight, then be it. the discovery channel also said starving yourself is not the way out. your body will think it is fasting and save energy (fat) into your body and make u gain more weight. so that realy does it do it. and these are true facts for those who doubt. the discovery channel tells no lies. ;-) well i hope u find these true fact helpful.