Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From shelly, Age 13 this is the diet:Day 1:-eat only fruit except bananas.melon n berries r gud because they hav the less calories.eat as many as likeDay 2:- eat only veg. today u r allowed 1 baked potato with a bit of butter.Day 3:- Mix day 1 & 2. no potatos or bananas.if u hav not cheated u hav lost 5-7poundsday 4:- bananas n skimmed milk. up to 8 bananas n as much milk as can drink. u will need the sweetness as u will hav cravings todayday 5:- beef n tomatoes. u may hav 10-20ozs of beef n 1 can of tomatoes or 8 tomatoesday 6 beff n vegetables.u can even hav 2-3steaks today.day 7 brown rice n vegetables.u can lose up to 17 pounds. u also hav to eat this soup but i had the cup n soup stuff.only the powder n water kind though. u can eat as much soup as u like. u can hav water,unsweetened fruit juice n unsweetened n no milk tea for drink. i also had peppermint tea. it is a strict diet but it really does work. my dad tried it n he lost a stone.let me know in a weeks time how ppl got on. rember, my email is shellyhereuk@yahoo.co.uk so email me if u hav ne questions.l8er |