Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From Brittany, Age 16 Hi everyone, Its me Brittany again. I just wieghed myself. I weigh 197 lbs, instead of the 207 lbs. I weighed last week. I know many people would think that it is unhealthy to lose that much in one week, but I didnt do anything unhealthy. I lost those 10 pounds in one week! All i did was cut of a little of my food intake and add in a walk to the store a day, but not to buy anything. Thats all! I am so proud of myself your stories have helped me alot. All it takes is to push away that extra food you don't need. I still eat the same food I used to, I just put in a few more servings of fruit and veggies, but instead of eating 4 pieces of pizza I only have one and a piece of fruit or drink a glass of water. It is really hard for me because I have no self-control.I am still losing weight and at the rate I was gaining weight(approx. 2 puonds a day) I needed to lose weight. I still have 50 pounds to go so if any of you have any advise for me I would really appreciate it. I never want to get up to what I weighed again. I looked horrible and felt horrible. I still look big of course, but thats two inches off of me that i had just one week ago. Not all people are going to lose that much though so dont expect to. To tell you the truth I didn't expect to either. I was hoping for at least one to three pounds I never hoped for ten. You just have to want it bad enough for yourself and nobody else to go for your goal. I am asking once more for any advise from anyone about any excersize moves or anything to help with the stomach area or tips an how to lose weight. i appreciate any response i get. Please e-mail me at whittnie116@yahoo.com |