Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From Ana, Age 15 hey, ive just lost 5 lbs!!!!! i don't want to brag but i just want to let all of yall know whats been working for me. Im getting great results. Im 5'5 and used to weigh 145, now i weigh 140 and im still going down. My goal wieght is 125. I eat really healthy, 2 slices of toast w/a boiled egg in the morning, half a can of tuna and some vegetables during lunch, and potatoes or cambells soup for dinner. Plus ive been doing Tae-Bo w/ Billy Blanks, it really works, i have tone and muscle definition in my arms, and my waist is getting smaller. You CANNOT lose weight extremely fast, losing wieght is a gradual thing, and alot of people don't understand that so they give up easily and don't do it for the long haul. Pills and "fad" diets are NOT the way to go, they are extremely dangerous to your health,you could die, and only make u lose water wieght, not fat. I know how it feels girls, but you have to stick to it and in 3 months you'll get definite results. REALLY LOSING WIEGHT comes from working on u first, cuz if you don't love yourself, and work on the inside losing wieght, no matter what you do, is never gonna happen, checka ya laterz, good luck. |