Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From allisa, Age 12 I LOST 3 POUNDS IN 3 DAYS! mabe 4, around that. sorry if i im braging, but i am pretty happy with it. i weigh 120 and i am 5'5. my friend is 5'6 and weighs 105. i am not over weight, but it is pretty intimanating when your friend weighs more then your plus she is taller. i was hopeing to lose 5-10 pounds. so far i lost 3 and i weight 117! i am movin on down! i found it wasn't so hard either. i didn't do big time deits. it was pretty easy. and the best part is i didn't even have to walk as much as i thought! all i did was start eating a bit healthyer and tried not to have so many sweets. it does wonders to your weight. and not haveing so many snacks helps. i cut back on after school snacks a little. i walk the long way home most of the time now. i don't stop eating meals cuzz u can die from that and i just want to lose a little weight. so i just skip some in between snacks. if i want a snack i just eat some fruits or veggies. and sometimes somthing weird happenes, when i go to a sleep over and eat so many sweets i think i am gonna gain 10 pounds, but instead i find out i lost a bit. weird huh? well any way i just wanted to say that i lost 3 pounds and tell u how. and i did. my job is done. lol |