

Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight.  This offends the kids who really are overweight.  Thanks a lot.

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    Message Replying To

From Jessica, Age 16

Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 160 lb, Goal: 104 lb - I deicded enoguh of sitting around, that I am changing! forever, ,, if my male friend James, supries me with an outfit one day, I want to fit into very nicely,, trust me, Walmart, is boring after a while, Lei, is strange for shrits, I hope to size M in two mounths, I know I can do this, hope to be 120 pounds by July, August, 110, September 106 by the middle of that mounth 104 pounds.. If I stay homeschooled! I want to look good in my new Fall clothes, ,, and say I did it!! being fed to much by your family, is horrible,, I would never do that, it is taking an avagnte of the kids, once I reach size Juniours 1)2) petties 28, inch wasit!!! it is possible, Im going to prove people in my fmaily that aren't really supporting me, I hit rock when I heard my sister was having heart issues, and arty blockage, I said to myself, I can get this too, if I don't get my act together,, no more sitting then half and hour or an hour.. My fat stoamch is going to be goodbye for good,, I am 5'3 I should weigh 104-108, acording to my doctors, ,, I want to be in size S Juniours, I haven't been in that size since I was like 12 or 13.. I have wasted three years of my teens.. 13 year olds, don't waste yours cause time flyes by so fast, it dose not stop ticking, small portions, chair carido is good, and even walking, running, dvd's workouts! I got Sekctchs work out cardio.. I hope your weihgtloss is going so well girls, how your weightloss girls? Jessica16.