Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From Marshall, Age 13 Ht. 5'8", Start: 156 lb, Today: 156 lb, Goal: 140 lb - Hello all I have came from the preteen board so I made today's weight my starting weight. Here's basically my situation. I am kind of in the middle weight range for my school. There are people that litterally eat salads 6 times as big as i do and get like to or three courses of the lunch menu and they know their weight and dont care. Then there are people who eat a normal lunches but get like junk food all of the time and they are still skinny because of my metabolism. Here is what I eat. What the school serves if its really greasy i get extra napkins to wipe the grease off, crutons with ranch (i know ranch is not healthy but I only get a scoop to a scoop and a half on a scoop of crutons and i dont get it every day) I am in tae kwon do every day and I usually walk home from school unless I am sick or its super cold or hot. My problem is at home though. We have junk food at my house and when I am on the computer I dont even notice what I am eating until its too late. My appearence/weight When i call myself fat in front of people some think i am kidding I dont have much fat on my arms or legs but its my belly and back that are the problem Most medium adult clothes are big on me so I am probably an adult small. In the locker room though I just change my shirt really quickly in front of people and go into a stall to change my pants. I think mostly this is what I think about myself But both my parents my mom (who eats healthy some of the time and goes to Curves like 3 or more tiems a week and walks a lot at her hospital job) and my dad (who washed his hands clean of me) are overweight/obeses Thats another reason i do it though I want to be healthy and I want my mom to be healthy When i talk to her about being healthy she tells me her doctors says she is healthy which i beleive and that she eats pretty healthy and goes to curves I just wish she had a way she could feel pretty When i ask to get healthy food she wants me to pick it out and i dont know what to choose I know this is long and might possibly take up the whole page PLEASE COMMENT AND READ THE WHOLE THING I think i am a little overweight, have bad eating habits, but my worst trait is I have a Very low self esteem for some reason |