

Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight.  This offends the kids who really are overweight.  Thanks a lot.

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From Kaylee, Age 14

Ht. 5'3", Start: 158 lb, Today: 147 lb, Goal: 125 lb - Lots of people seem to need diet tips...I happen to know a few and here they are **1 always chew your food 32 times(even a banana)** **2 brush your teeth after a meal** **3 always drink a lot of water** **4 get plenty of sleep** **5 Leave a pair of goal pants or bikini out on a hanger to see every day before you leave your room** **6 eat slowly make sure it takes you 20 minutes to eat any meal** **7 make time for exercise even if it means waking up 30 minutes earlier and going for a short walk, jog, or run** **8 know the calorie counts of fast food places and make good choices** **9 diet journals sometimes help if you really make sure to write EVERYTHING down** **10 turn on some music and rock out for a while** **11 on one of those hot summer days go for a swim or turn on a sprnkler and run through it** **12 during the winter do plyos in your house** **13 do cardio that gets your heart rate up, you won't lose any weigth doing 3000 crunches a day** **14 if your out of shape start small and work your way up** **15 if you have parents, friends, family, anyone that can help you stay on track get then to help you** **16 smile a lot** **17 chew sugar free gum** **18 Take a long shower, put some lotion on, paint your nails, and take care of yourself no matter what your weight its** **19 get clothes that fit even if that means going to the next size bigger and trying on 20 outfits to find one that fits** **20 believe in yourself set a 5 pounds gaol and when you make it be proud and give yourself a reward of a new shirt or something that makes you feel good. NOT FOOD** **you can do it!!**