From Katie, Age 16 - 10/25/10 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 244 lb, Today: 235.8 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 200 lb - Blahh its been forever since i posted. I started dieting in like sept ... and i lost fourteen pounds but i've gained it back... I'm excited to be in the 230's its been a while but i cant seem to get myself out of them.. the only reason i lost wait the first time was because i was stressed out and couldn't eat, or i would puke it back up :/ i wish that would happen to me again... i use to be Ok with myself for who i am in-till last friday night, when i was at a party and this drunken redneck made me hate my self. all he did was call me a fat A%% Bi%&# and right there my life changed. i've been put through so much no one really understands. I hate not having anyone to talk to and no one understanding what im going. i really want a friend to lose weight with but all my friends are skinny and happy with themselves.. im the only one that sticks out, and i hate it.. i know this happens to everyone but i've put up with it for sixteen years and i want it to go away....
Reply from Renee, Age 19 - 10/27/10  - IP#:
Katie don't get down on yourself! I'm sure you're probably the sweetest person and the fact that people have bad things to say about us is unbelievable. I once weight 250lbs at the beginning of my senior year.... i had some terrible things said to me throughout high school like guys saying they like fat chicks and even just this past couple of weeks i went to get a halloween coustume and the guy had the nerve to say to me oh my girlfriend is plus sized too... after i lost weight and am now 180lbs. I promise you it can be done... my main goal sadly was to get a prom date my senior year which I did! I spent the entire year changing before everyones eyes and then had the Cinderella ending... it took a lot of hard work but i promise it can be far as having a friend to do it with ... I think all you need is your own will power ... you can't base yourself on others... However, once you start losing weight .. you will see you have more people supporting you than you would have if you just had that one friend. I hope everything works out for you :) Best... Renee
Reply from eric, Age 16 - 10/26/10  - IP#:
dont be down on your self u have lost weight!!! ,mohamed ghandi once said the a 1000 mile journy starts with one step and u have made that step!!