From Unknown, Age 15 - 03/18/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
um...hi guys, I NEED HELP BADLY.....I have been sick for the past 2 weeks, and on sunday I want to the ER to be tested for Menengitus. They gave me a spinal operation, and it hurt really really really bad...and it is now thursday, and I am still having back problems, but thank god, that the results came back negative. Yesterday march 17th, I went to my family docter to get a checkup and for him to give me some more pain medicine, and you know the normal checkup process to check woeght, blood pressure, temp etc...I just figured out that I wiegh 390 POUNDS!!! at 15 years old, I need serious doc said I need to loose wieght badly or I will die..and it scares me, I dont know what to do. I am like panicing I need help. I also have a high blood pressure a lil bit, my goal wieght is 200 pounds..So I gotta loose 190 ponds..but I hear you guys tallking about taking short goal wieghts, so my goal for right nw is 350..I at least want to get down to that by my birthday which is july if anyone could give me any tips that can help me loose I would be very greatful thanks guys..I NEED AS MUCH HELP AS I CAN GET!!!!
Reply from Speaks, Age 15 - 03/18/04  - IP#:
Hey there! Kelsi had some really good ideas in what she was saying, although you should not eat only 1200 calories a day. People's caloric intakes are different depending on the person. With your weight you need a lot more than 1200. Try going to the website and try searching around. It helped me out. Drink lots of water, I cannot stress this enough. Also, find some time in your day (even if its only 20-30 minutes) to excersize. You can do lots of things like run, walk, dance, lift weights, ect. Do watch what you eat, put more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Cutting down on sugar like Kelsi said was a very good idea. Cut down on high in fat foods too. Smaller portion sizes are the key. A serving size for something like spagetti is about the size of your fist. (with everyone it changes, health is induvidual). When you go out to restaurants, 99% of the time the portions are big enough for two or more. Don't feel you need to eat everything on your plate (that's what they have doggie bags for ;-)). I don't know if this will work for you (remeber health is induvidual), but I eat small meals every like three hours or so. Just so I don't go from Big Breakfast to Big Lunch to Big dinner, but instead it supresses my hunger so i never feel hungry and I get to eat food every three hours. Well that's all I can think of for the moment. I wish you the best luck ever! Have a great day! :-)
Reply from Unknown, Age 15 - 03/18/04  - IP#:
thankyou so much Kelsi, is there anyone else that would like to add something to help me cuz I need all the help I Can get!
Reply from Kelsi, Age 12 - 03/18/04  - IP#:
Sorry for my last post, I mean WATCH ur sugar intake
Reply from Kelsi, Age 12 - 03/18/04  - IP#:
Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. Do not drink any pop or anything like that for a drink. JUST water. Water ur sugar intake. Me, i have no more then 10 grams of sugar in whatever i eat. Cut what u eat in half. So if u have a slice of pizza for lunch, cut that piece in half, and only have one of the 2 halvs, save the other for later.----Watch ur calories. Have no more then 1,200 calories a day, and get at least 15 minutes of exercise a day. Im telling u, if u do this then u will lose weight like crazy.
Reply from Unknown, Age 15 - 03/18/04  - IP#:
and also I am a male and 5'11