From brooke, Age 17 - 12/01/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 175 lb, Today: 175 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 130 lb - I have got to get control... I have gained fifty pounds in just over a year. I am only seventeen years old... I am terrified for what is to come. I don't want to end up like my mother who spent so much of herself hiding from the world because she was ashamed of how she looked... I don't know what to do. Everytime i seem to get motivated I never follow through. I hate to be a downer I am normally a very happy person, I am just sick to death of watching the numbers going up on the scale and going up another pants size every time i go shopping.
can anyone offer me some help with motivation? I would greatly greatly appreciate it.
Reply from Christine, Age 17 - 12/03/09  - IP#:
If you want to be diet buddies, email me: :)
Reply from brooke, Age 17 - 12/02/09  - IP#:
thanks so much! yeahh i'd love that! thanks for the great ideas and congrats on losing so much weight and good luck :)
Reply from Christine, Age 17 - 12/02/09  - IP#:
If you'd like to be a weight loss buddy with me, let me know! I'm at 175 right now too, but I'm down from 210, so I know a few tricks.
Find your inspiration to be thin (thinspiration!). Remind yourself of it every day, whatever it is -- your health, your clothing size, a picture of when you weighed less. When you keep weight loss at the front of your mind, it's easier.