From Melanie, Age 13 - 03/04/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey! Could you guys help me? I love to exercise and have no problem to exercise a couple times a day for about 5-10 mins each. My problem is eating.I love to eat. i ahve lost 55 lbs so far, but now I an starting to eat bad again. How can i stop????????I want soem adive about how I can stop eating bad foods and snacking between meals. Please help me. I want to lose about 5-10 more pounds. ( I have some extra flab on my abs and thighs.)
Reply from Holly, Age 17 - 11/15/04  - IP#:
That is awesome you lost so much weight! I am trying for just 20lbs! I am going a cruise in April, so I want to look really good because all of my friends are soo skinny and they never have to worry about working out or eating. But what i do when i want to eat junk...i grab a glass of water. I know that doesnt sound good, and i hate it too. But it really works. It fills me up. And i also tell myself i have to do this!!
Reply from Muylais, Age 17 - 03/04/04  - IP#:
How did you lose that much????
Maybe you should try to eat healthy snacks like fruit and veggie sticks instead of trying to cut out snacks and like eat foods you like but not bad stuff all the time let yourself have one bad day a week or something where you can eat whatever you want becaue you've been good all week
e-mail me okay