From Al, Age 17 - 11/30/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey, I was hoping if anyone could give me some advice. I think I'm an overeater, because i seemt o eat when I'm not hungry. I'm growing quite a lot and I jiggle a ton. I'm just fat now, and i didn;t used ot be. Help, please. Weighing in at 236, 6'1
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 11/30/04  - IP#:
yeah, i know what you mean, i find myself eating when im not hungry too. I dunno why. BUT i do know there are a few things one can do to help stop this bad habbit. DONT keep food in your room or anywhere for that matter, besides the kitchen. Dont have little snacks or anything in your bag. Cuz then you will find yourself eating them cuz youre bored, not hungry. And never eat anything from a bag, like chips, put an alotted amount into a bowl and eat just that. And dont eat anywhere bisides the kitchen, or restaurant, of youre out. If there is a TV in your kitchen, turn it off. Eating is its own thing, not to be confused with other things. And remember this fact, your body tells you "Im full" 20 minutes after you are really full. So essentially you keep filling yourself even after your stomach is really full. You can try to help this by eating slowely- cuz remember the food is not going anywhere, you can take your time eating it. OR you can follow some of the diet things that tell you how a big a portion really is, and stop, cuz supposedly you will get full later, but that never worked for me. Ok, i hope these few things helped you out!