From Anonymous, Age 17 - 03/21/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I have a major weight problem. Im 5'4 and weight 290. I started gaining weight when i was 8 and didn't really much like to think about it. Kids at school would comment on how fat i was or how HUGE i was. I think most of my eating disorder came from when i was a child. When I was younger, my mom worked nights, so during the day she would be asleep. On weekends she would be out partying or gambling (which i totally dislike), so as you can tell i didn't really spend much time with her...(Click here to see rest of message).
Reply from matt, Age 15 - 03/22/05  - IP#:
i'm so sorry for all that u had to go through i really would like to help u if u could email me at
Reply from brigid, Age 13 - 03/22/05  - IP#:
if u wanted to maybe we could swap e-mails and talk becuse i know exsactly how u feel! while my rents never hit me i to have ADD and i have probs loseing wieght! i think we could trade ideas and help echother
Reply from 2 helen, Age 15 - 03/22/05  - IP#:
how muh did you loose??
Reply from anti -chocolate lola, Age 15 - 03/22/05  - IP#:
thats terrible i feel so sorry 4 u. I think i hav an eatin disorder i eat when im sad or bored or whateva and then i get sad cos im overweight and eat evenmore. i know that didsnt really help but just 2 no i read it and stuff.
Reply from Helen, Age 18 - 03/22/05  - IP#:
Hey hun the best thing to do is don't listen to people that put u down....always walk down the hall way at your school with your head up....if people make stupid re-marks on your weight keep on walking....another thing is i know bc i use to weigh 250 that when people put u down at school or when that happening at home to ...ppl tempt to eat bc they get stressed and all...ok ill help this try it slowly...first start with what i told u in the start....also when i get home from school if ur stressed from all this don't go streight for the chips or cookies have some carrots or some kind of fruite....also when have dinner make sure the most ur plate is full of salad then the a cup a rice better brown rice...and some kind of protin ex...chicken or drink lot of water stay off the sodas maybe have one a day and that it....also when u get the time get a skipping rope and slowly build up the period of start off with 5 min skiping (have music on it helps) then relax for 2 min then go run up and down ur stairs 2-3 times and after ur done that relax get some water relax for 5 min and just put music on dance around for the next half hour....and hun don't worrie i belive u can do it...if i did it u can to..