From Montana, Age 13 - 02/13/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1, Wt. Don't wanna kno... - Ello peoples. I have one main problem and it is if I don't eat lunch at school I'll come home and totally eat anything and everything. I eat so much food when I get home it's mostly junk food. I'm going to try this ceral all bran it's 70 calories in 1/3 cup without milk but I'm going to have 2 % milk in it so 1 cup would be w/e I'll say it all tomorrow. For lunch I'll have my normal peanut butter sandwhich. I don't have any exercise at school this week cause I'm not doing swim week I'll try and get some in B4 I go to school and after school for an hour dancing blah blah and walk or bike ride. Another thing I can't stop drinking MOUNTAIN DEWW!! Ahhh I'm addicted to it!! I try and save up all my money for something I really want then I go blow it at the store on junk. I'm goin to start saving up my money for work out videos...well anyway good luck peeps. - Montana
Reply from ~savanna~, Age 14 - 02/17/06  - IP#:
why are you replyin to your own self?
Reply from Shekina, Age 17 - 02/14/06  - IP#:
Yeah, I advise just getting diet Mountain Dew, it's pretty much just as good.
Reply from charlotte, Age 15 - 02/14/06  - IP#:
when my dad stopped drinkin coke he lost 10 lbs alone
Reply from Montana, Age 13 - 02/14/06  - IP#:
Thank youuzz!
Reply from charlotte, Age 15 - 02/14/06  - IP#:
than eat lunch at school
Reply from Montana, Age 13 - 02/14/06  - IP#:
okay I might try it and the lunch at school iz WAYYYYY WORSE!!
Reply from Christina, Age 17 - 02/14/06  - IP#:
I love mountain dew. Just get the diet. It tastes just as good!