From Michelle <3, Age 16 - 04/11/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
breakfast--fat free muffin: 100 cals, lunch--ham on a wrap, grapes and 100 cal pack cals: 300, snack--granola bar cals: 100, dinner--chicken, backed lays, fat free sour cream, salsa, reduced fat shredded cheese cals: 500, dessert--fat free frozen yogurt w/ 100 cal pack cals: 1200....Ran 2 miles at track and now I have dance for an hour. Today was pretty nice out and school wasn't thhhaaat bad. : )
im me if anyone wants to chat about diets : ) ska roxy chick 9
Reply from Michelle <3 - 04/11/05  - IP#:
oh i forgot!! i ate about a cup and a half of carrots!! lol Annnd I had fruit!! omg i cant believe I forgot to write that, so i probably had about 1400 cals but thats good enoughhh <3
Reply from L!nd$eY, Age 13 - 04/11/05  - IP#:
Wow that's great. You actually got to eat dessert and a snack and your daily total still added up to just 1,200 calories! That's totally awesome.
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 04/11/05  - IP#:
EAT MORE VEGGIES!!! they will give you stored energy to use when you run! and also protien is really good it gives you so much energy i just take the shakes because i dont eat a lot of meat...