From Marielle, Age 15 - 04/10/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
ah, my heart is beating on my head. i just went on a reall woosey bike ride, and i can tell i'm out of shape. i got tired after doing two hills! thats pathetic! after the second i just couldnt push anymore and i had to get off the bike. and im drenched in sweat, its hot out! and i had a binge this afternoon on cookies and i can feel it coming back up... oy... not eating until after exercise tomorrow...
Reply from Marielle, Age 15 - 04/10/05  - IP#:
cookies are evil! why are they so good??
Reply from jenn, Age 12 - 04/10/05  - IP#:
me too, i ate a lot of cookies!! UGH