From Marielle, Age 15 - 03/29/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
out of curiosity, when it IS your time of month, how much bodily fluid does it actually add to your weight? like a pound? more than a pound? less??? should i not weigh myself this week lest i become uber upset with myself for gaining weight that is actually from my period? or does it depend on who you are, whether it fluctuates you weight? thanks a bunch
Reply from Kay, Age 15 - 03/29/05  - IP#:
well it depends on the person i suppose, but u will lose it when u get off of your period. me for some reson i dont gain anything i actually lose and dont gain it back hu knows. and besides, u can check, it wont depress ya especially if u r still on your diet. just take it off the scale it only adds apound or two or three, normally
Reply from Kendra, Age 19 - 03/29/05  - IP#:
I've read that people can pack on up to 7lbs during the time of the month. However, my scales don't show a difference. If I gain, it's because I eat too much hehe. *~Kendra~*