From Taya, Age 13 - 03/23/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey guys. my name is taya. i don't post often, but i visit the site quite a bit. you guys are great and give great advice. i just thought i would share a bit of good news (and hopefully some inspiration). well, back in september i weighed a whopping (sp?) 200+ pounds (i don't know how many stones that is, sorry)! i was at the worst i'd ever been. i think a certain thing "clicked" in me and i just couldn't stand all the fat anymore. i didn't have a terrible life, in fact, my life was going pretty great. i don't know what happened, but i think there is a certain point in being obese, that i just couldn't take it anymore. i was determined to do anything it took to be fit. soooo...i went on a diet and i have lost a little over 50 pounds! it's scary (but awesome) to think that i'm only 3/4 of what i used to be. i can't say it was always easy, but it is totally worth it! i get compliments all the time and my parents yell at me for spending too much money on clothes (everything fits!). it's an amazing feeling that i can't describe. anyways, to my point. well, my scale its pretty cool. you put in your height and it tells you your bmi and it says like "over weight" or "obese" next to it. well, this morning i got to 149 (yay! finally in the 140's) and it said, "HEALTHY WEIGHT"!! i'm so excited. i had a goal of being in the 140's by the time my friend from accross the country is flying to stay with me during spring break. i've come from obese, to over weight, to healthy weight. while i know that i'm not finished and i have a long road ahead of me, its amazing to look back and see where i came from. soo, i hope that might be a little inspiration to you all. keep up the great work! i know you can do it! -taya  (Note: 1 stone (st) equals 14 pounds.)
Reply from anti-chocolate lola, Age 15 - 03/24/05  - IP#:
how did u do it??????
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 03/23/05  - IP#:
avril she was probably just had that as a reply sometimes people change it to reply or maybe some one else in her household uses this website... and being mean stupid and blonde dose not make you a punk there is not actual definition its just a stereo type like every other thing like prep jock whore slut stuff like that
well anyways Taya GOOD JOB
Reply from *Avril*, Age 13 - 03/23/05  - IP#:
yea be proud of urself whatever just dont act like ur 2 ppl at once thats so freakin annoying and its so obvious...
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 03/23/05  - IP#:
that's amazing. you should be really proud of yourself.
Reply from kendra, Age 16 - 03/23/05  - IP#:
Great job! That is also a very inspirational post. I myself am finally accomplishing my long term goal of losing weight. I started two months ago and have lost 16 pounds so far so great job and keep going towards your goal!
Reply from Taya, Age 13 - 03/23/05  - IP#:
whoah, okay. the "who cares?" is me. that was so weird. why did it put that as my name?
Reply from who cares?, Age 13 - 03/23/05  - IP#:
i ate 1200-1300 cals everyday and exercised 5x per week (for my school, that's the minimum.) i hope that helps! -taya
Reply from ashley!, Age 15 - 03/23/05  - IP#:
hey congratulations! that is so awesome!! what all did you do to lose the weight? good luck with the rest of your weightloss!