From jess, Age 15 - 03/19/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey does anybody know a good way to tone the inner-thighs? also stomach too? those seem to be the hardest part for me. thanks so much good luck to everybody
Reply from angie, Age 15 - 03/22/05  - IP#:
Hey gurl. sry im like 4 days late gettin abck to you. But i do kno a way to work on your abbs other than just sit ups / crunches. Heres how: Stand up with you feet spread out not too far tho, just enough for a good blance. The put you hands on your hips. Tighten your abbs. an then move your upper boddy back and forth! but make sure you're not movein you hips, thats why you need to sperad your legs! it so0o easy . . and it take like no time, it dont burn or hurt, just make sure you do a few side bends to streach a lil first!
<3 Angie . . .and by the way . . if you get this massage PLZ post to me! so i kno that you got it! Thank you and i hope i helped!