From 100, Age 16 - 03/18/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey everyone well i know that easter is over a week away but i was wondering if anyone knows the good and the bad foods to eat like mash potoatoes, home made fruit salad, and stuff like that
Reply from angie, Age 15 - 03/19/05  - IP#:
Hey, you asked about what is a good idea too eat and what not on easter, my family has ALWAYS thought me that if its an ocationlike that. . .eat whatever you want. But i agree with Kathryn, dont go over bored!and have a good time! -Angie
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 03/19/05  - IP#:
id say go for wahtevers on the table, but do it within reason!! Like eat the mashed potatoes, but have the right sized portion, dont go over board! Even some chocolate eggs are fine, but eat oen of two, not 20!