From ashkabashka, Age 14 - 02/19/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I just would like to mention something. I don't feel safe on this website anymore. I used to think i could come here and see people with similar problems as me. No, thats not the case at all. I come and see obese people wanting to get muscular bodies before getting thin, people congratulating others on eating only a piece of chicken and sandwich for their days meal, people cheering for others who went from normal weight to underweight (a size 8 to a size 0??? THIS IS NOT HEALTHY!) people telling other people advice that doesnt even work for themselves, people lying, people accusing others of lying. I thought this website would help me. For a week it did. Now I can't take it. Ray Ray, I'm sorry, but you were the last straw. Goodbye forever. Best of luck.
Reply from ashkabashka, Age 14 - 02/20/05  - IP#:
hehe, i told all of y'all, i was very depressed last night! i blamed it on the bulletin even though it had nothing to do with it, and you ray ray! lol, but thats ok, because in truth, you kinda bother me ray.
Reply from *Ray*Ray*, Age 13 - 02/20/05  - IP#:
Exscuse me, I don't believe that I should be accused of you leaving. If you don't want to use these facilites anymore, thats your choice. Don't act as if I've had such a big impact on you and now you can't lose weight or someting. Its a online support group, we're not like people at your school or something. Get over it, seriously. If you want the help stay, but if you don't, leave. You don't have to take everyone's advice...if you think its bad, or unhealthy don't use it - no one is making you. *Ray*Ray*
Reply from stan, Age 14 - 02/20/05  - IP#:
this is an example of why your leaving? alright, if I and others had told you we agreed with everything you just said, then you would feel more inclined to stay.
Im just saying, take it for it internet bulletin board. Don't let it get to you. And the address thing is irrelevant, I wouldnt do that...I have common sense
Reply from ashkabashka, Age 14 - 02/19/05  - IP#:
luckily, I'm still here Stan. It has shattered my life. You have shattered it even more. But thankyou for posting, thats a PERFECT example of why I'm leaving. O ya, and next time you tell someone your first name last name and street address on the internet? tell me its just an internet bulletin board.
Reply from stan, Age 14 - 02/19/05  - IP#:
uh, its an online bulletin board. why do you act like these events have shattered your life. get over it.