From ?? - 02/17/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
in just one month ive went down in 7% body fat but i didnt lose any weight i dont think, i actually think i gained but thats probably just muscle (hopefully). Is 7% alot for 1 month or should i be doing better
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/18/05  - IP#:
no, that's great! i lost 2% this week. and the weight gain is muscle! which is so cool because it means you've raised your metabolism!
Reply from ashkabashka, Age 14 - 02/17/05  - IP#:
???...i dont think you are doing very well at all. your not eating near enough! your in a pickle now, your not going to lose anymore weigh unless you continue to eat less and less, which brings you at risk of anorexia if you get carried away, and your lacking sooo many healthy nutrients for growing up into a healthy adult! while your still ahead, eat more. You may gain some weight, but thats because you are in starvation mode. once your body realizes your not starving, it will let you lose weight again, more effectively and more healthily.
Reply from ?? - 02/17/05  - IP#:
im guessing from your response that im doing good. I hope it stays that easy all im doing is eating alot less all i had yesterday was a sandwhich and 2 peices of chicken. just enough for it to be healthy and doing alot of crunches so it wasnt that hard
Reply from sasha, Age 13 - 02/17/05  - IP#:
oh my gosh you are doing extremely well