From Kathryn, Age 17 - 02/15/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey, a few days ago someone posted that they stumbled apon a "ana" site, ie, a pro anorexia site. I was amazed, it never even crossed my mind that that type of site would exist. So i googled it, and found some pretty crazy stuff. But what suprised me that most was that a lot of "anas" are trying to find a healthy way to be anorexic. MEANING that they know the risks involved and are trying to continue their life style, heathily. Boy, if that isnt an oximoron that i dont know what is. It seems that a lot of these girls (and some guys) really are stuck. I never considered what anorexia was, besides a fast and detramental way to lose weight. But its more then that, its a total way of life that consists of counting calories every second, livind for lower numbers on the scale, and thinking yourself worthless. I have, a few times, although never seriously, concidered becoming anorexic, cuz at first glace, it seems to easy, i mean i starve/purge until im my goal weight, and then i stop, and become normal me again. But after reading some of the posts on those sites, it seems so scary, and girls and guys, its not worth it!! Weight loss is a pain in the butt, we all know that, and thats why we are all here. But we all also know that healthy weight loss is the most important thing. So ppl, keep up the good work, and dont lose faith in yourself and what you can acomplish!!
Reply from anti-chocolate lola, Age 15 - 02/17/05  - IP#:
i tried to be anerxic for a week and it worke but then i was taking these antibiotics for something and u had to eat before and cos i hadnt eaten it gave me bad stomach pains and i mean bad
Reply from Sara, Age 16 - 02/16/05  - IP#:
I have dealt with Anorexia and let me assure you, it has nothing to do with media. It mainly has to do with yourself.
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/15/05  - IP#:
it's so horrible that such an illness has developed in these modern days. i think everyone gets a bit caught up in the media- it's almost impossible not to- but when lives are ruined because of an image or just for some sort of sick control over oneself it's powerfully sad. i agree with what all of you said. i think it was really good that you people brought this up because it just reminds me in a really strong sense to not go overboard. thank you
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 02/15/05  - IP#:
great post. Yeah, people who are anorexic really are stuck. Rather than being angry or disgusted, I simply feel sad for the people. We're friends with a family and their daughter became anorexic last year. One night when we were out to dinner with the parents and the girl was at home, she kept calling her mom every two seconds crying and screaming that she didn't know what to eat for dinner, and stuff like that. They just get so caught up in what they can or can't eat that it ruins everything else. This girl's grades dropped, she lost all of her friends, never wanted to go out anywhere, and she quit her after-school activities, and ended up in the hospital. It's a horrible, horrible illness.
Reply from ashkabashka, Age 14 - 02/15/05  - IP#:
thats funny... i couldnt believe they would have those sites either and i looked one up. i literally cried when i saw it. it seemed so stupid... how could anyone kill themselves to be thin?? i mean, there may be heaven or hell, but for now we need to work on leading a long healthy life. life is the only thing we are reassured of having, atleast right now. if we waste it away.. who knows what will happen next? i know everyone may not agree, but those who care to listen, be careful with your life. its precious, and it should never be taken from you at the mercy of your own hands. never allow it. like my favorite quotes says... "There is a light at the end of every tunnel. If there is no light, its not the end." Be good to yourself!
Reply from Katherine, Age 15 - 02/15/05  - IP#:
hey, it was me that posted that earlier. i know it is scary, and i wonder what these people are thinking in their minds and why they are thinking that they need to be perfect in order to be accepted. its really beyond my understanding, i just hope they all realize that "ana" is not the way to go...