From hannah, Age 15 - 02/13/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hi i was wandering im 214 pounds and wear a size 14 jeans and i was curios what would be reasonable what for a girl to wear a size 8 jeans how much should i lose im about 5' 7'' and my grandpa promised me a 2005 jetta if i could get down to 10 a 135 pounds does anyone know where that would possible put me when it comes to size i would like some weight loss you think giving up chocolate and french fries would help me drop some weight.
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/15/05  - IP#: sizes def. don't stop at 14 they go to like 18 or so and then get into plus sizes...i believe...
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 02/14/05  - IP#:
yeah, its always different, cuz it depends were you carry your weight, plus if youre tall or not! Like im tallish, 5'9" and i weight 170, but i can wear a size 12 in some jeans.
Reply from Whitney, Age 15 - 02/14/05  - IP#:
Well I'm 168 lbs and I wear a loose 14 so idk its different with everyone hun
Reply from Shwee, Age 14 - 02/14/05  - IP#:
yessum, sizes in america run from size 0-14 about i think (there are also plus sizes), we dont measure in centimeters. so dont worry, lol. good luck on your weight loss... youll definitely get the car!
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 02/14/05  - IP#:
damn... wish i had a car waiting for me at the end of my weight loss... haha, great motivation! Anyway, to do this, you would be best served by stopping all junk food. I dont mean like choclate, i mean chips and the candy that may taste good for like the 3 seconds it tastes to eat, but it isnt healthy and doesnt fill you up at all. Besides that, start doing some exercise! Walk everywhere, or do crunches or whatever works for you! good luck!!!
Reply from anti-chocolate lola, Age 15 - 02/14/05  - IP#:
hi do u come from the u.s because the sizes over there must be different from the u.k cos im 166 and i dont fit in a 14!!! sure they have to be different right???
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/14/05  - IP#:
wow! what motivation! yes, and giving up chocolate and french fries will help you lose weight if you eat it daily already. also try to add more fruits and veggies into your diet and eat less processed and simple sugary stuff...
Reply from kels, Age 16 - 02/13/05  - IP#:
yes and no, its really hard to stick to a resolve to lose weight if u deprive your self of all of your fave stuff (who doesnt love chocolate? lol) What i do when i crave something, is i get it out take a fourth of it, wrap up the rest, then enjoy the little bit i have. be sure to make a big deal of putting the extra away (wrapping it pack up, taking it away from the table and putting it a up) before you enjoy your share. It takes your mind off from eating it and helps you enjoy it. Its cool that your determined to be a size 10, but start small, so u dont get discouraged when your results arent instant. I know that sound like the kind of advice you get from old people, but it's true, and it took me a long time to understand that. (I started dieting when i was 11, im 16 now and i just finally got this and lost weight and made a diet work this year!) Maybe your goal should be small, like reward yourself with non food stuff when ever you lose ten pounds or reach a fitness goal (fitness is key if yer gonna keep it off for good) good luck, im pullin for ya