From krkristi, Age 15 - 01/25/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey, today wasnt too great for me! kinda pissed but instead of doing 400 crunches im gonna do 800 so maybe it will help me lose more since i didnt eat very well today
Reply from Kelli, Age 13 - 01/25/05  - IP#:
Very true E. but i was assuming that she was trying to loose weight quickly, muscle weighs more than fat.
Reply from E, Age 15 - 01/25/05  - IP#:
not true kelli---muscle burns fat, so eventually the fat would be replaced by muscle. Thework wont show quite yet, but later on the muscle will burn the fat. bulilding muscle tones areas--not makes them bulge more
Reply from Kelli, Age 13 - 01/25/05  - IP#:
i do crunches every night too, but make sure that you are doing some cardiovascilur stuff too!! that is everything like tredmill and bike and stuff like that...if you have a lot of fat on your stomach, you are just making it appear bigger with the muscle that you are making underneith the fat. Good luck with your Six-pack!!