From Grace, Age 15 - 01/19/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
One of my major problems is the fat on my stomach. I know it will never be flat because I can feel the muscle under the flab and even that protrudes. But what can I do to get rid of it? The rest of my body is basically good, just not my stomach. I seriously look pregnant if I don't suck it in a bit. I don't know why it accumulates there, no one else in my family has that. They all gain on their hips/thighs. I wish it was my hips or thighs, it looks more normal than my stomach. Anything I can do about that?
Reply from Grace, Age 15 - 01/20/05  - IP#:
Ok, I'll try those suggestions. Thanks everyone!
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 01/20/05  - IP#:
I agree, Pilates is totally awesome, but be careful with trying to built up the muscles in your stomach before you get rid of the fat. As you can see on anyone with well defined abs, they come out alittle bit, away from the abdomin, vrs skinny ppl who where you can see their ribs. If you tone your abs before you get rid of the fat, it wil seem like you just got bigger, cuz the strong muscles are pushing the fat out. See? So make sure you combine a healthy diet to get rid of that "pooch" while doing exercises. good luck!
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 01/19/05  - IP#:
One word: Pilates. When I read your post I felt like you were writing what I was thinking. I have the exact same problem. None of my family has it (although, I'm kinda happy it's not in my thighs cuz my mom has a huge butt, and it's almost impossible to get rid of fat in your butt :^) ) There's no way to do spot treatment which is trying to reduce fat in one area, but strengthening your muscles underneath the fat makes you look a lot more toned and as you lose more weight that fat will dissapear and leave you with a nice stomach. As the previous poster said, do pilates and some crunches (just do like 20 crunches every day and you'll notice a difference very soon) and I'm sure you can acheive the stomach you want
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 01/19/05  - IP#:
you DONT'T want to gain weight in ur thighs. Its aweful!! My legs are huge and fat! I feel sooo depressed! All you do is eat healthy and exercise!!! Do some curl ups and you could buy some abs pilaties workouts. I have those, they are fun.