From ashley!, Age 15 - 01/10/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey everyone. I just have a question. I know that people say not to eat after like 6 or 8 pm because it slows down your metabolism or what not..but I dont get home until like 9 or later, and theres nothing i can do to change that. Should i eat a bigger lunch and have a snack sometime after that and maybe just a fruit when I get home and forget about dinner? And I dont like the feeling of going to bed full so what should I do? thanks! im 15..5'9...225lbs
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 01/11/05  - IP#:
you burn calories slower- but you're still burning off that cake by staying alive- it just takes longer to do it- and you have 8 hours to do so while you're sleeping. just because you're sleeping doesn't automatically change the cake to fat. your body doesn't work that
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 01/11/05  - IP#:
its true, that you shouldnt eat late, thats only becuase when you go to sleep your metabolism does too. So say you ate a peice of cake at like 10, and then go straight to bed- then that cake just sits there and gets turned into fat, instead of being used. So yeah, if you are hungry later, drink drink drink!!
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 01/11/05  - IP#:
it really doesn't do anything, except some people tend to eat less calories when they set rules like that. but a calorie is a calories no matter when you eat it,...
Reply from CuTie, Age 17 - 01/11/05  - IP#:
it sounds like you have a good idea. I think that would be pretty smart to have your main meal earlier when possible in your case (lunch). And since u dont like feeling full before going to bed u could have something healthy like snack steamed veggies, a cup of sugarfree jello (30cal only! cool huh?), or a salad. Drink water and dont eat if you arent hungry but remember to get ur needed cals for eachday. GooD lUck :)