From Kathryn, Age 17 - 01/09/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Question-- One of my friends told me that lifting weights helps you loose weight more quickly then other exercises because it strengthens your muscles alot and you need those to make working out really have an effect. Is she right?
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/09/05  - IP#:
you need muscle to raise your metabolism permenately, you need cardio to burn off the stored fat- so alternate days of weight lifting and cardio and you will be complete and effective
Reply from Katherine, Age 15 - 01/09/05  - IP#:
no it does because it gains muscle, so you will gain at first but its all muscle which is good, but then you will start loosing because muscle burns fat- it does help you to lose weight, don't worry!! try it out! good luck!
Reply from Kristy, Age 14 - 01/09/05  - IP#:
i think ur frend was rong cuz lifting weights helps you gain muscles,if you wanna lose weight do other excercises
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 01/09/05  - IP#:
the more muscles you have, the more fat that you will burn. but when you do weight lifting, since your losing fat, on the scale it doesn't look like you've lost that much weight but you'll lose inches more quickly.
Reply from Lauren, Age 15 - 01/09/05  - IP#:
any exercise will help you with the process of losing weight, but if you jus do weight you will build muscles getting rid of fat but this process takes quite a while though