From layla, Age 17 - 12/16/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Right well i would start my diet tomorrow but i cant really because the next night i am going for a meal and am going for a chinease and will just eat eat eat and then the diet will mess up but im going to start it on sunday. That will leave me with four days until a big gathering and i want to drop five pounds by then. There are some diets where you can lose five pounds in two days but i know i wouldnt stick to it. Have u got any idea how i can blast of 5 lbs in four days? Please let me know. Im considering not eating at all because when i was ill last winter i couldnt eat anything for two days and i lost seven pounds. I dont want it to come to this so please have you got an alternative? Thanks
Reply from Kori, Age 15 - 01/09/05  - IP#:
Hi, I'm actually sick right now and I can't eat anything, but I'm sick! You may be dissapointed but its unhealthy to lose more than 2 pounds in less than a week. If you do find yourself losing a lot of weight its "water loss" not "fat loss", and that's unhealthy and you'll gain it right back. I just thought that you should no this. If you try to starve yourself your body will actually slow your motabolism down and it will be hard to lose a lot. But, if you find a good and healthy diet make sure you keep to it.

Good Luck,
Reply from newgirl, Age 14 - 12/18/04  - IP#:
you shouldnt eat less then 1200 caloires a day for an extended period of time. but for 5 days, i think it would be safe to eat 1000 or so. also, work out every day, at least an hour or so, and you might just nock out a few pounds. but dont starve yourself or anything!
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 12/16/04  - IP#:
I lost like 5 pounds in 5 days, all ya gotta do is eat little, but dont starve yourself and exersice ALOT....and try no more than 16 carbs and no more that 1200 cals
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 12/16/04  - IP#:
It is impossible to lose 5 pounds in 4 days. That is less than a week! That is really unhealthy. U could probably lose only 1 lb in 4 days! *jenna*