From Diana, Age 17 - 11/25/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
What's better Weight Watcher's or The South Beach Diet?
Reply from Danielle, Age 16 - 11/26/04  - IP#:
yeah as i said earlier i prefer it ..iv lost since september about 17 lbs on it may go semi slow for some but it works and it says off
Reply from ~* Kat *~, Age 19 - 11/26/04  - IP#:
I like Weight Watchers better. I'm on that plan right now and I've lost 11 lbs so far. You can eat what you want but you gotta stay within your points.
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 11/26/04  - IP#:
i like the south beach because i tend to eat very very healthy while being on it. but you really can't cheat in phase one so it doesn't work for a lot of people. i haven't tried weight watchers yet but it's basically seems like carb, calorie, and fiber counting(how you find the points) and south beach you don't have to count anything.
Reply from danielle, Age 16 - 11/25/04  - IP#:
BUT IT IS loose weight slow....b/c if u loose it fast u usually dont keep it off in the long run and it is not good for your heart and just your body in general ...weight watchers keeps a balanced diet since we are all still growing and need that .yeah theothers give fast results but in the end its better to do it slow
Reply from Thea, Age 18 - 11/25/04  - IP#:
South Beach/ Atkin's is the best to go with it, its hard at first, but it'll give ytou the quickest results, i was 210 and 5'6 and 7 mon ths later, im 5'6 and a half and 127ilbs!! so..yay~!