From Jane, Age 14 - 11/22/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey I am going to start being a vegetarian because supposedly it helps you lose fat. is anyone a veggie or have been one?? does or did it work??? thanks!
Reply from melissa, Age 10 - 04/20/06  - IP#:
I'm 10 years old and it's really scary for me to say my weight. i weigh 145 pounds. i tried going on diets and working out alot more, but it won't work. please reply and tell me what i can do to lose weight!
Reply from Dani, Age 16 - 11/23/04  - IP#:
....i agree it is sad to eat animals b/c ...well there living too but ..lets face it ....wolves eat animals b/c thats they are carnivours. People eat animals b/c we too naturally are drawn to that element in our diet. Dont argue about what nature has provided us with ..its horride how they kill the animals, if u ask anyone of my friends they wud tell you im strongly into the whole animal rights thing , but its ok for u to be a veg. for dietary reasons and not just moral ones. it is not self centered its a healthy choice, just remember, get enough protien with nuts and eggs/fish if u arent going to cut them out. Just remember to keep it balanced! and good luck i support any choice u make
Reply from Katherine, Age 15 - 11/23/04  - IP#:
ok... seriously, dont be a vegetarian because you want to lose weight, that is cheap and self centered. be a vegetarian for the obvious reasons, not to eat defenseless animals. so if you don't want to be a vegetarian for that, then hun, don't be one at all.
Reply from Amanda, Age 16 - 11/22/04  - IP#:
Yes ive been one for the past week and ive lost 3 pounds not much but a good start and my doctor said it will help too. I can't wait till summer because by then i should be down to the weight I want to be at