From Frank, Age 15 - 11/06/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I have been overweight since he was about 9, but lately i think its been getting out of hand. Let me start from the beggining... A few years ago, I had ballooned up to about 260 and I was about 12, so I decided that it would be in his best interest to go to Weight Watchers. Iwent, and lost about 40 pounds in a few months, at the time I had also been involved in football, which got me a lot of exercise. After I lost all his weight, I stopped going to weight watchers, and the football season ended. All was good for a little while, then the next year came along and I didnt want to join football. All I did was sit on his butt, watch tv, eat, and get fatter. I gained all of my weight back, plus more. At 15, I reached my top weight of 310 pounds. This is getting out of hand. I huff and puff up the stairs and cant do anythign physical for very long. I NEED HELP WITH THIS PROBLEM!! IF YOU CAN HELP, PLEASE EMAIL ME AT
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 11/07/04  - IP#:
that's not true. when you start eating everything low fat or no fat then you start getting way too much sugar because what they do is put more sugar into the foods to make up for the missing fat...that means instead of burning fat you're burning the mound of carbohydrates(sugars) you just ate. what you should do is eat a balanced diet. with 60g of protien or more 2000mg of sodium or less, 25-35g of fiber and about 1500-1700 calories. if you follow those guidlines then you'll be eating very healthy because you need to to come up with all of that nutrition. also find something fun you like to do for exersize even outside of sports season. maybe get your cd or md player with yopu and get out for a walk where you can think, then just add to your routine every 1-2 weeks and try weight lifting. another exersize that really really builds up endurance is taebo- it's really fun too. good luck!
Reply from michelle, Age 16 - 11/06/04  - IP#:
Hi I just was reading what you have written and I think I can help. First let me tell you a little about me so you can know where I am comeing from. Ok my name is Michelle I'm in the tenth grade I play soccer, basketball, and run cross country for my high school. I'm fit now, but there was a time that I was'nt. I have been on a diet for two yrs. well its not really a diet any more it's just the way I eat now. Ok two yrs ago I hated the way I looked- it was discusting to me the way I looked-my friends and family didnt think I was fat- but I'm one of the people that dose'nt care what other people think they didnt think i was fat but I did so I decided to do something about it. This is what I done and I PROMIS if you try it and stick with it it WILL WORK but dont cheet because once you start cheeting yourself it all goes down hill. All you have to do is do not eat fat. Fat free is what you should eat for the most part-but your body has to have fat to burn fat (which took me along time to understand) so the fat that you canhave has to be the good fat wich means you can not eat satureted fat and when you eat the good fat (yes there is a good fat wich I'm still just now understanding)do not eat alot of the so called good fat. I promis if you eliminate 98% of fat from your diet you will lose weight it worked for me and it can work for you-good luck I wish the best to you_ my email is if you have any questions.
Love michelle