From Suzanne - 10/20/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
my daughter is 5'6 and 150-155 pounds, her weight kind of fluxuaties from time to time. She really is somewhat depressed about her weight. worrying mainy about guys not liking her and not looking good in clothes. I dont know what to do except motivate her and tell her she is not fat or overweight or what ever. Her doctor even told her she isnt overweight but even than she still didnt think that. Any suggestions?
Reply from Mandy, Age 17 - 10/21/04  - IP#:
Well... from experience... or from what I have learned... its really hard to get rid of those feelings every girl i know no matter how slim she is including myself struggles with those feeling everyday. alot of the time its from us comparing ourselves to others and not feeling good enough... and your daughter is in the healthy weight range... shes on the higer side (range=103-152 as told by the weight calculator) but just because shes at the max that does not make her overweight.. if her doctor says she is not then she isnt... end of story because the doctor knows her way better than any weight calculator could... (that also might be her problem maybe she is comparing her weight to her friends but one persons weight is not always healthy on another person) your daughter at 14 is going to have plenty more ups and downs and yes even some feelings of mild depression... at least from what ive learned in my experience and from those of my friends... being a girl is hard but the problem is deep down we put way to much pressure on ourselves due to the media... im a senior now and in my last year of high school i have so much more confidence and yeah... i still will feel upset with myself sometimes but that just makes me want to be healthier all the more... my advice... keep encouraging her... you may feel like its not helping but my mom always comforted me when i felt down about myself and she always helped me realize i was a beautiful person.. in these cases our worst enemy is oursleves... explain to her that she doesnt need to lose weight but if she is feeling bad bout herself encourage her to eat healthy and excersize... i always feel better after i excersize... the best mind set is to liv healthy and enjoy it not go on fad diets and be miserable.. so keep up the support and the joinging a gym together would be a cool idea my mom and i did curves for awhile and im still bummed that she stopped going cuz i liked when we went together... well hope this helps!
Reply from Erica, Age 14 - 10/20/04  - IP#:
im sorry but she is on the hevier side for her hight.
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 10/20/04  - IP#:
If you feel that it is safe for her to lose weight, help her w/ it. If she isn't eating junk food all the time like most overweight/obese people just get her a gym membership and go w/ her.