From Jennalyn to Marina - 09/23/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Well I know I ran in acres because the guy who measured our yard when we first moved in told us it was 1.5 acres. But I asked someone else and she said something like 1.823 or something. so I'm good.
Reply from Jennalyn - 09/24/04  - IP#:
Lol yes that's what I meant. I know it's a matter of area not distance. I'm only telling you what the contractor said, ok? lol give me a break.
Reply from Marina, Age 17 - 09/23/04  - IP#:
your yard could very well be 1.823 acres, I'm not doubt that. What I'm saying is that acres are an area, not a distance. For example, a MILE is a distance, where as a square mile is an area. It's basic grade 6 math I'm talking about here! Come on, you must know what I mean?