From abby, Age 15 - 09/16/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey yall, i'm 5-7 and weigh 237 lbs. My dad keeps telling me i need to loose weight and i wont get a car unless i do. it's a good motive but it's easier said than done. he doesn't get that my older, skinny, popular brother didnt' have to do nething to get his car. he didnt' have to get good grades, promise to pay for gas or nething. my dad keeps saying that i am missing out on a lot of things because i am fat and that everybody only knows me as mark(my bro's name)'s fat little sister. i keep thinking that why do i even bother trying to loose weight if he will always favor my brother, it's not like i'm trying to impress him or nething. and if he wants me to loose weight so badly then he should try to help me. if any body has ne suggestions or tips on loosing weight make a comment
Reply from Heather, Age 18 - 10/08/04  - IP#:
It is possible thats your dads way of trying to help? He wants you to be healthy, and not miss out on life, and hes trying to give you incentive by offering you a car. Like seriously..a car? Not many people get to have a car for no reason.
Reply from sumone, Age 14 - 09/19/04  - IP#:
ur dad really shoudn't treat u lyke that... lose weight for ur self not for others...
Reply from emz, Age 14 - 09/18/04  - IP#:
heyaz babez. email me i am in xactly da same position!!
Reply from Katie, Age 13 - 09/17/04  - IP#:
I suggest you just eat healthy foods and stay away from greasy, sugary, fatty stuff, u know what Im talking about. You don't neccesarily have to exersize every day, but just exersize whenever you can. :) GOOD LUCK!
Reply from Jackie, Age 16 - 09/17/04  - IP#:
The author is Carolyn Mackler :-).
Reply from Jackie, Age 16 - 09/17/04  - IP#:
Abby, that is terrible of your dad! My dad does that a little bit as well. I own this book called "The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things" and it's about a girl who is overweight, and her parents keep trying to get her to loose weight, and her life and stuff. I thought it was very good. So maybe if your in Barns and Noble or something, and you see it, you may want to pick it up. All I can say really is if you don't want to loose weight, then don't. You should loose weight for yourself, and only yourself. Have a good day!
Reply from Mandy, Age 15 - 09/16/04  - IP#:
Aw, honey! I'm so sorry your dad is like that... I kinda know how you feel... my dad is the same with me but he doesn't say it, just hints.
That isn't fair at all! I'm so sorry! If you wanna lose weight, do it for you, not him. I think he does love you and wants you to be happy, he just has a wrong way of saying it...
If you don't have a car, then you will do a lot of walking, that is very good!!! And don't eat junk... and just try for YOU!
If you wanna be buddies, email me at
good luck!