From Tiffany, Age 14 - 09/10/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey everybody. I jus wanted to know somethin. According to this computer site i went to (cant remember what it was) im over weight. Im 175 right now and i really dont look like it. People are always tellin me that i look like 145 or 150 os somethin. And for me to be considered healthy, the site said i would have to get down to at least 150. But since i'm big boned, i cant go down to that cuz it wouldnt look right. Anyway, my question is am i at a healthy weight since i look like it or am i still over weight and unhealthy? I jus wanna know. I feel so happy right now tho cuz i actually fit into a shirt that i baught in 7th grade (im in 9th now) and i couldnt wear it cuz for awhile cuz i was so overweight and my love handles made the shirt look really bad. But i finally wore it to school today and it look really nice. O yea, i jus wanted to also so good job to all the people that are losing weight and all that good Good luck everyone!!!
Reply from Tiffany, Age 14 - 09/10/04  - IP#:
ok..thanks..thats a good idea
Reply from Marina, Age 16 - 09/10/04  - IP#:
It's hard to say because I haven't seen you before. I know that I was never actually considered overweight by the books, but when you actually measured my body fat level it was far higher then it should be. So Maybe you are, maybe you aren't?? If you really want to know, ask your doctor to measure your body fat level.