From Jen, Age 13 - 08/31/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey guys I tried WW but its two expensive now I weigh 201 please help!Any free diets?x0x0-Jenny-Gurl
Reply from Jen, Age 13 - 09/01/04  - IP#:
I wiegh 210lbs. I'm going to eat healthy n exercise but the problem is that like ther is no where to do it and I'm afriadn my sibs. n parents...... please help!
Thanks GodBless!
x0x0 Jenny-Gurl
Reply from brian, Age 15 - 08/31/04  - IP#:
Don't diet.. thats screaming to fail or to gain it all right back once you stop. Just start eating healthy and excercise.. I don't see why people think its so complicated and spend all their money on silly programs.
Reply from Jenna, Age 14 - 08/31/04  - IP#:
You can always follow the diet without being a member... just follow the flex plan with your point target/core plan and it should work!