From Caty, Age 14 - 08/29/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Im 5"6 nd 142 pounds now. used to be 162. i lost 20 pounds but people still call me fatty and other names. it says im at a healthy weight cept it doesnt make sense. i lost weight, but i still fit right into the clothes i used 2 wear!!! if i lost weight, why do i still have huge thighs, stretch marks, a big double chin, nd people r still staring how big i am? i would love to lose 10 more pounds.
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 08/30/04  - IP#:
well- i still fit into the same clothes and i've lost 30 pounds so far. there are three possibilities: 1- you only lost muscle and now have a greater % of body fat but weight less, 2- the clothes you're wearing fit you a little better even if you've lost a little bit but slowly so you just don't notice a huge difference, or 3(and this is what happened to me) you're watching one part of your body while it's other parts of your body that's losing all the weight. i wanted to lose weight from my lower mid-section but instead i've lost most of the weight from my middle and up. my arms, around my ribs ect. but keep at it like i am going to to get the body that you want_or as close to it that is possible for your individual body...