From Tori, Age 15 - 07/14/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
you guys i really need some help. I have this plan ibn my head to follow, im plannong on doing this intill december just to see how it works out, my plan is that i will eat 1200 calories and eat healthyfully for 7 days, then for the 8th day of the "cycle" i won't count calories and have w/e i want, even if this includes some ice cream, then get right back ont he 7 day healthy eating again...will this help me lose weight? or will i gain all the weight back on the 8th day i lost?
Reply from Mandi, Age 17 - 07/15/04  - IP#:
it depends on how overboard you go on that one day. Dont eat incredibly unhealthy on that day just relax your dieting counting and such. Almost all of the diets i have been on i have had something like you days..or cheat days where i can have one thing. It makes the week go by faster, and gives you something to look forward to. Just dont overdo! Ive always read that depriving yourself of your favorite foods makes a dieter depressed anyway. Good idea and good luck! -Mandi
Reply from Michelle, Age 20 - 07/15/04  - IP#:
you'll end up gaining back whatever you lost that week. treat yourself on the 8th day to one thing but dont eat anything and everything you want