From MissyK, Age 18 - 07/10/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
The more I think about it, the angrier I get. So I'm going to vent. My best friend seems to WANT me to gain weight. I used to be clinically overweight in the beginning of highschool, and everyone made fun of me as well. Well, I started eating very little, and by grade 12, I was 98lbs, which looked good on my 5"2 frame. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it. Anyway, before we were friends, she used to make fun of me for being fat. After I lost the weight, I was thinner than her and I could tell she couldn't stand it. But we had become friends then, so there wasn't much she could do. Anyway, now due to a new school, vacation, new job, depression and all that other stuff, I developed binge-eating disorder and put on 22lbs. It's not much compared to when I was overweight, but my self-esteem is very low. I've recently changed my eating habits and lost 5lbs, as most of you know. BUT, my friend purposely asks me out for lunch and dinner and b*tches at me if I choose healthy choices. She accuses me not eating (which is NOT true, I get 1200-1500 calories each day) and her exact words are, "well maybe you should go back to eating 4 crackers a day again". First of all, I never did that! Secondly, she speaks as if she wants me to put on more weight just so she came remain thinner than me. Before, when she was trying to lose weight, I helped her out. I wanted the both of us to be happy, and as you frequent visiters on this board know, I'm totally supportive of people who want to lose. But now, she puts pressure on me to gain, and then tells me I need to lose weight. Anyone know what I mean? Sigh...thanks for listening, guys. ~~MissyK~~
Reply from Stevie, Age 18 - 07/11/04  - IP#:
how long did it take you to lose all that weight and get down to 98lbs...
Reply from hey, Age 16 - 07/11/04  - IP#:
sorry shouldnt *
Reply from MissyK, Age 18 - 07/11/04  - IP#:
Well, when I was fat, I felt like I was ALL alone. So, I guess I was happy to have someone to talk to and be there for me, even if she made fun of me for being fat occasionally. I was used to the teasing anyway. We do have lots to talk about and are perfectly compatible. We've been through alot together...except now she's doing all this crap to me. Yah, I've kept my distance lately. Thanks guys. ~~MissyK~~
Reply from hey, Age 16 - 07/11/04  - IP#:
i hav / had 2 friends like that. the one who i aint friends with no was really insecure, and i fink me lookgin bad mad her feel better about herself. the other one who i am friends with welel shes about as fat as me, and she told me to throw away all my thin clothes cos il never get bk into them. which has made me even more determined to do this. take all ur anger and use it every time u thnk about binging as a reason y u shld as one day u r gona be thinner and better lookin that ur b*tch of a mate. shes just jelous of u
Reply from Alex, Age 13 - 07/10/04  - IP#:
Hon, It sounds like that girl aint' much of a friend
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 07/10/04  - IP#:
I had a friend like that and were not friends anymore. I heard this one saying I cant remember what it said but basically it said get rid of the friends that try to sabatoge your lifestyle or diet. Think about it you want to be thin and healthy for life right. You dont want to be depressed and yo yo all your life, do You? If you feel like she is a good friend besides that and you still want to be her friend. Confront her and tell her to stop, tell her if she wants to put junk food in her body, then no ones stoping her, and if you want to eat healthier choices, then no one should stop you. Stick up for yourself and be a leader. That is what I would do! Hope this helped!
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 07/10/04  - IP#:
Why are you her friend if she made fun of you when you were fat, I am going to make people wish they would have never said anything about me! Just tell her that you don't have any money to go eat and your parents don't want you to and when she is at your house, have your parents make good food so that you can just eat it.