From xxx - 07/09/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
duz slim fast replacement (drink and chocolate bars) a good diet? does it work?
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 07/09/04  - IP#:
In the past about 2 years ago I did slimfast and lost 21 pounds in like 3 months. It worked for me, but I dont think I could do it again, I limited myself to very few foods!
Reply from Mandi, Age 17 - 07/09/04  - IP#:
i never stayed on it long enough to find out for me a shake or a bar just wasnt cutting it. But from what i can tell it is as good as any other diet. You have to be careful though those shakes could have alot of fat and sugar in them (to replace calories) and the shakes/bars are expensive! Good luck in whatever you choose to do! -mandi-