From MissyK, Age 18 - 07/07/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I've just finished my workout so I've been on my computer looking up ways to lose weight (as usual LOL). Anyway, I came across Phase 2, a supplement that blocks carb calories. Do any of you know people who use it? This is what it claims, "You can eat as much starch as you want and Phase 2 will work to reduce the calorie intake that you receive from it. However, if you use the taking of Phase 2 as an excuse to increase your consumption of carbohydrate foods, then there's a danger that you may only succeed in defeating the object of the exercise" and "Phase 2 should be taken before a starch-rich meal. If you eat carbohydrate foods a great deal, then you should consider taking Phase 2 on a regular basis. However, if you only eat starchy meals occasionally, then you will only need to take Phase 2 occasionally" and "Phase 2 is an entirely natural food substance extracted from the white kidney bean. Clinical studies have reported no adverse side effects". Sounds good to me. But, as usual, I have my doubts. Although, there are real people who have used it and LOST WEIGHT. Not lots, but about 3-5lbs a month. ~~MissyK~~
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 07/07/04  - IP#:
I have seen that avertized on tv before that blocks starches. But if it were me I wouldnt trust any supplement that guarentees weight loss. But I dont really know anything about it, I have never heard anyone use it. Sorry. Good Luck!