From hey, Age 16 - 06/29/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
missy k how long have u been doin ur plan and how much have u lost so far?
Reply from MissyK, Age 18 - 06/29/04  - IP#:
Hmm...well I started at 130lbs in high school. Then I ate ONLY healthy foods and did crunches before bedtime and went down to 98lbs in about 6 months. Then, I went on vacation, gained 8lbs back. Following that, I started going through some hard times, dealing with depression and other crap...went up to 110lbs. I thought it was the end of the world, and from there I developed binge-eating disorder which made me balloon up to 120lbs in a matter of weeks. I've been keeping healthy (well, off and on...I cheated moderately 3 or 4 times) for about a week and a half and the scale says I've lost 5lbs. But, that MAY just be water weight. Sorry to ramble. hehe. ~~MissyK~~