From TimmysCat, Age 16 - 06/27/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Some girl at my school said obesity is a sin... is it true?
Reply from Michelle, Age 17 - 06/30/04  - IP#:
oh geeze, just be yourself, love the way you are...if God truly loves us for who we are as he claims, then he'll love us for the whole package..he can't pick and choose.."oh, that's a sin, so i won't accept that"
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 06/27/04  - IP#:
I really don't know much about "sin" and "Christianity", since I've never actually gone to a church. But that seems awful judgemental. People aren't perfect. I think people were given a body to do what they want with it. It only hurts themself if they don't treat it right. But no I don't think it's a sin...
Reply from Mandi, Age 17 - 06/27/04  - IP#:
what ever happened to god making you the way u are for a reason? or we are all perfect in gods eyes?? i dont think obesity is a sin its not like we have been eating non-stop since we arrived on this earth. But then again i guess my veiw on god and religion is kinda relaxed. i guess all i can say is believe what feels right to you.
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 06/27/04  - IP#:
I don't think it should be b/c there are skinny people who have really good metabolisms, and just b/c ours is slow I don't think that is right. Gluttony is a sin, so that is why people think obesity is, but there are skinny people who are gluttonus so it is kinda weird.
Reply from mee, Age 15 - 06/27/04  - IP#:
well im catholic, and practically everything is a sin, not going to church every week, thinking u r pretty (vainity/pride) not praying everyday, those r all sins. and obisity isn't exactly top on the list. if u really are abusing ur body by overeating then it is, but otherwise, dont worry about it.