From anne, Age 17 - 06/23/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey guys! i got a mini fridge for my dorm this summer! i'm so excited now i can go shopping and get a bit of healthy options for when the dinning hall doesn't have any of them! i'm so going to do this this summer! then i'm coming back for my senior year in high school and am going to look great and be great at tennis and i'm even working on my procrastination habits so i won't do that anymore either!
Reply from Mandi, Age 17 - 06/24/04  - IP#:
woohoo!!! from one college kid to another that sounds exciting! Im lucky however my college has salad bars in every single dining area...if thats not enough help to loose weight i dont know what is. Man it would be so cool to loose all that weight and surprise my parents