From anastasya, Age 17 - 06/21/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
do you think being overweight affects your periods? mine are sooo irregular and i'm 17, normal diet and bearable lifestyle. and if the weight doesn't affect it, then what does? please give me your advice because i'm really freaking out by now.
Reply from JS, Age 12 - 06/23/04  - IP#:
go to your gyn. you might have a medical condition stoppping your peroids. or, if you recently got them(within 2-3 years) they can still be irregular, as they will be if you lose weight to quickly, or suffer from sevre iron defichancy(sp). go to yuor gyn, definatly.
Reply from Mandi, Age 17 - 06/22/04  - IP#:
OH! i forgot something, earlier i went to my doctor about things (i dont really remember what it was specifully but anyhow) and we began talking about my irregular periods. He said that i might have (insertlongcomplicatednameherethaticantremember) which basically means you have a cist on your ovary/ovaries. He sent me to the nearest clinic where i had to drink ALOT of water to get an ultrasound done. The test was negative but still. This "condition" can cause overweightness and irregular periods. Maybe you should ask your doctor about that. Also that friend i was talking about now takes birthcontrol to regulate her period. Its been working for her since she started taking it and it cleared up her skin a bit. Those are just some ideas to talk to your doctor about cause basically the only thing i recommend you do is talk to the guy with all the knowledge. Hope that helped!
Reply from Leslie, Age 14 - 06/22/04  - IP#:
My sisters friend became anorxic like a while ago. My sister said that she never had any periods.
Reply from Mandi, Age 17 - 06/22/04  - IP#:
mine are irregular as well as my friend. and we are both overweight.
Reply from Beth, Age 16 - 06/21/04  - IP#:
no it has nothing to do with that it's just your body changing!
Reply from Emily, Age 12 - 06/21/04  - IP#:
i think losing weight is supposed to affect them