From joe, Age 14 - 06/19/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey guys if you really want to lose wieght then take up running in the morning, i have been doing it for the past three weeks and i have lost fifteen pounds. but you still have to cut out all your junk food and start eating healthy. i started running about half a mile every morning then five days later i kicked it up to a mile and now im running a mile and a half. it really helps, and yes it gets you tired but you have to work and push yourself. no one said it would be easy, i mean a week before i started i would get up at six and say i was gonna run but never did. now i have to make myself and push my self cause if i didnt then i would still be fifteen pounds heavyer. well good luck to all of you.
Reply from Hannah, Age 12 - 06/19/04  - IP#:
r u HOTT? as in attractive? just wonderin'. Chelsea got mad at me 4 askin ppl that. She got somthin started between me and her